10/01/2016, Announcing the 2016 Guerin Memorial Essay Contest!

2016 Guerin Memorial Essay Contest
1. Explain how conservation practices used by landowners (farmers, ranchers, timber holders) can benefit water quality in Coos County/Oregon.
2. What conservation practices used by landowners and/or the public in Coos County are utilized to protect soil and decrease erosion?
3. How have farming, ranching, or timber land management practices changed over the last 100 years to protect the environment and water quality in Oregon or Coos County?
Topic choices: Select one topic for a minimum 500 word essay.
The deadline for submitting essays is October 21, 2016 at 4:00PM
Please mail FOUR copies of your essay to:
379 North Adams Street
Coos Soil & Water Conservation District
Coquille, OR 97423
Faxed or email essays will not be accepted. Essays must be a minimum of 500 words. All entries must be typed or written in ink.
First place winner has their name engraved on traveling plaque. Prizes awarded at Coos SWCD’s annual meeting on November 10th, 6 PM, at the OSU Extension Center in Myrtle Point.
Any questions, please contact Coos SWCD at 541.396.6879
Cash Prizes
$150 - First Place
$125 - Second Place
$100 - Third Place